I’m enjoying reading the sequence on Metaethics. So far we’re on the same road, and that’s a rare to non existent experience for me. I hope we can go a long way together, because there aren’t a lot of people with interesting moral ideas.
Once upon a time, I considered myself an amoralist, largely as a result of reading Stirner, who I still agree with. I’m not even sure he would be properly called an amoralist. It may just have taken me a long long time to finally get the point. I’ll have to look into that someday.
But whether my moral preferences come from evolution, environment, or a combination, they are still my preferences, just as all my other preferences are. All my preferences will have to fight it out to decide any particular issue, but the moral preferences are not banned from the field because of the conceptual confusions of the orthodox moral philosophy—Reversed Stupidity is not Intelligence.
My current view on morality has elements of what I find here—thinking about how moral creatures work, and got to be how they are. One might say evolutionary psychology, but I’ve read little of the literature, and have usually just seen it used as a label for post hoc central planning as the rationalization for some approved behavior.
I’m enjoying reading the sequence on Metaethics. So far we’re on the same road, and that’s a rare to non existent experience for me. I hope we can go a long way together, because there aren’t a lot of people with interesting moral ideas.
Once upon a time, I considered myself an amoralist, largely as a result of reading Stirner, who I still agree with. I’m not even sure he would be properly called an amoralist. It may just have taken me a long long time to finally get the point. I’ll have to look into that someday.
But whether my moral preferences come from evolution, environment, or a combination, they are still my preferences, just as all my other preferences are. All my preferences will have to fight it out to decide any particular issue, but the moral preferences are not banned from the field because of the conceptual confusions of the orthodox moral philosophy—Reversed Stupidity is not Intelligence.
My current view on morality has elements of what I find here—thinking about how moral creatures work, and got to be how they are. One might say evolutionary psychology, but I’ve read little of the literature, and have usually just seen it used as a label for post hoc central planning as the rationalization for some approved behavior.