Facts about Cat:
Cat cuts through problems like a laser through butter. Be careful how you aim this woman.
Cat has overcome the need for sleep.
If Cat is holding a nerf gun, do not taunt her. Cat will shoot a bitch.
Will I need my own nerf gun for self defense?
Time point T0: Cat is holding a nerf gun, you are holding a nerf gun.
Time point T1: Cat is holding two nerf guns.
That is a fact.
dT = T1-T0
Facts about Cat:
Cat cuts through problems like a laser through butter. Be careful how you aim this woman.
Cat has overcome the need for sleep.
If Cat is holding a nerf gun, do not taunt her. Cat will shoot a bitch.
Will I need my own nerf gun for self defense?
Time point T0: Cat is holding a nerf gun, you are holding a nerf gun.
Time point T1: Cat is holding two nerf guns.
That is a fact.
dT = T1-T0