Romance is for the evening, when the day’s work of contributing to civilization is done. When all the drudgery of adult endeavors—cooperation and competition and accountability and all of that—can be put aside. The stars come out, a chill breeze blows, and the snapping of a twig out there can suddenly send chills up your spine!
Romance renounces accountability and so-called “objective reality!” It sees no need for them. And when that mind-set ruled our daylight hours, warping politics and business and the way we perceived our real-life neighbors… horror ensued. In almost every other culture and society, the romantic tendency to view our own worldview as perfect and the enemy as subhuman reigned. Until the Enlightenment came to show us—oh so painfully and gradually—how to utter the great words of science and decency: “I suppose I might be wrong. Let’s find out.”
-- David Brin