Joke: a tourist was driving around lost in the countryside in Ireland among the 1 lane roads and hill farms divided by ancient stone fences, and he asks a sheep farmer how to get to Dublin, to which he replies:
“Well … if I was going to Dublin, I wouldn’t start from here.”
Moral, as I see it anyway: While the heuristic “to get to Y, start from X instead of where you are” has some value (often cutting a hard problem into two simpler ones), ultimately we all must start from where we are.
Joke: a tourist was driving around lost in the countryside in Ireland among the 1 lane roads and hill farms divided by ancient stone fences, and he asks a sheep farmer how to get to Dublin, to which he replies:
“Well … if I was going to Dublin, I wouldn’t start from here.”
Moral, as I see it anyway: While the heuristic “to get to Y, start from X instead of where you are” has some value (often cutting a hard problem into two simpler ones), ultimately we all must start from where we are.