Couldn’t I also set up the system to try to exclude the wrong people from ever getting power?
It seems to me that computers get better at detecting liars, and we have an ease of fact checking on things now we never used to have, and conflicts of interest are generally relatively easily seen, and we’ve got all this research about how influence functions… In short that we’ve made a lot more progress on the judging people front, than we have on the side of designing procedures and regulations that suit us and also serve as one-way functions.
Couldn’t I also set up the system to try to exclude the wrong people from ever getting power?
It seems to me that computers get better at detecting liars, and we have an ease of fact checking on things now we never used to have, and conflicts of interest are generally relatively easily seen, and we’ve got all this research about how influence functions… In short that we’ve made a lot more progress on the judging people front, than we have on the side of designing procedures and regulations that suit us and also serve as one-way functions.
Not if having power over others turns the right people into the wrong people.
No. No-one can set up the system. The most that anyone can do is introduce a new piece into the game, pieces like Google, or Wikipedia, or Wikileaks.