What’s the status of Effulgence? I gave up on it soon after it branched out wildly around the Milliways part, and when I checked to see what’s going on, there appeared to be no updates in 6 months or so.
Anything else you’ve written recently that you may recommend?
My coauthor for Effulgence is suffering from an inability to can. It is slowly recovering (today we were able to do a not-in-Effulgence-continuity sandbox thread for a little more than thirty comments, and she’s been writing an unrelated short story!) and we are continuing to make plans for what we will write when the ability to can is restored. The last new post was made in November 2013, though, so I’m not sure where you’re getting “6 months or so”.
I periodically update curious parties about Effulgence behind-the-scenes goings-on in this TV Tropes forum thread which was originally about Elcenia but is now about my stuff in more generality.
I have released two shortstories relatively recently, though the latter (AU-fanfiction-of-sorts of Three Worlds Collide) was written back in 2012 and I just sat on it for a while. I have also been writing a series of social justice blog posts for alternate universes which have inspired some entertaining audience participation. I recommend subscribing to my general RSS feed if you are curious about my creative output.
I have less than zero idea how far you got into Effulgence when you describe yourself as dropping it “after it branched out wildly around the Milliways part”. But if wild branching and Milliways were turnoffs for you I don’t think you’re gonna like anything after that mysterious part.
If I recall, I really liked the story as a standalone one, up until the Luminosity Bella showed up. Of course, given the name and the nature of the RP, I should have expected it.
Yeah, there are, um, lots of them. You can read some of their stories before they hit the “peal” as self-contained AUs, if you want—just go to the first instance of a new “symbella” in the index (except for the lower-case omega, that’s a special case), and read only posts that have no other symbellas. (Some posts have no symbella and these are usually part of the same story as whatever’s closest to them, it just means the relevant Bell isn’t present in that particular thread.) These will sometimes cut off kind of awkwardly, of course...
What’s the status of Effulgence? I gave up on it soon after it branched out wildly around the Milliways part, and when I checked to see what’s going on, there appeared to be no updates in 6 months or so.
Anything else you’ve written recently that you may recommend?
My coauthor for Effulgence is suffering from an inability to can. It is slowly recovering (today we were able to do a not-in-Effulgence-continuity sandbox thread for a little more than thirty comments, and she’s been writing an unrelated short story!) and we are continuing to make plans for what we will write when the ability to can is restored. The last new post was made in November 2013, though, so I’m not sure where you’re getting “6 months or so”.
I periodically update curious parties about Effulgence behind-the-scenes goings-on in this TV Tropes forum thread which was originally about Elcenia but is now about my stuff in more generality.
I have released two short stories relatively recently, though the latter (AU-fanfiction-of-sorts of Three Worlds Collide) was written back in 2012 and I just sat on it for a while. I have also been writing a series of social justice blog posts for alternate universes which have inspired some entertaining audience participation. I recommend subscribing to my general RSS feed if you are curious about my creative output.
I have less than zero idea how far you got into Effulgence when you describe yourself as dropping it “after it branched out wildly around the Milliways part”. But if wild branching and Milliways were turnoffs for you I don’t think you’re gonna like anything after that mysterious part.
What does it mean “to can”?
Two uses spring to my mind: to discard material (as in “trashcan”); to declare work done (somehow from “film canister”).
It’s an internet-dialect neologism. Related to “I can’t” without any subsequent verb, evolved into “I have lost the ability to can” etc.
If I recall, I really liked the story as a standalone one, up until the Luminosity Bella showed up. Of course, given the name and the nature of the RP, I should have expected it.
Yeah, there are, um, lots of them. You can read some of their stories before they hit the “peal” as self-contained AUs, if you want—just go to the first instance of a new “symbella” in the index (except for the lower-case omega, that’s a special case), and read only posts that have no other symbellas. (Some posts have no symbella and these are usually part of the same story as whatever’s closest to them, it just means the relevant Bell isn’t present in that particular thread.) These will sometimes cut off kind of awkwardly, of course...
Ah, thanks, I’ll give it a try. I was confused about where the stories start.