You may have a different picture of current technology than I do, or you may be extrapolating different aspects. We’re already letting software optimize the external world directly, with slightly worrying results. You don’t get from here to strictly and consistently limited Oracle AI without someone screaming loudly about risks. In addition, Oracle AI has its own problems (tell me if the LW search function doesn’t make this clear).
Some critics appear to argue that the direction of current tech will automatically produce CEV. But today’s programs aim to maximize a behavior, such as disgorging money. I don’t know in detail how Google filters its search results, but I suspect they want to make you feel more comfortable with links they show you, thus increasing clicks or purchases from sometimes unusually dishonest ads. They don’t try to give you whatever information a smarter, better informed you would want your current self to have. Extrapolating today’s Google far enough doesn’t give you a Friendly AI, it gives you the making of a textbook dystopia.
You may have a different picture of current technology than I do, or you may be extrapolating different aspects. We’re already letting software optimize the external world directly, with slightly worrying results. You don’t get from here to strictly and consistently limited Oracle AI without someone screaming loudly about risks. In addition, Oracle AI has its own problems (tell me if the LW search function doesn’t make this clear).
Some critics appear to argue that the direction of current tech will automatically produce CEV. But today’s programs aim to maximize a behavior, such as disgorging money. I don’t know in detail how Google filters its search results, but I suspect they want to make you feel more comfortable with links they show you, thus increasing clicks or purchases from sometimes unusually dishonest ads. They don’t try to give you whatever information a smarter, better informed you would want your current self to have. Extrapolating today’s Google far enough doesn’t give you a Friendly AI, it gives you the making of a textbook dystopia.