Hmm. Taking this question at face value where I am only prioritizing by the individual flavor and character of the books and not their cultural significance, I’m going to say let’s keep J.K. Rowling… Tamora Pierce… Sharon Shinn, Laini Taylor, John Scalzi. I was also tempted by Philip Pullman (but I think about 75% of what I’d miss is people putting daemons in arbitrary fanfiction, which it sounds like would get suitably replaced?) and Zenna Henderson (but I think losing her stories would probably be a smaller loss to me than the ones I picked).
I did this by looking at my bookshelf which has actual books on it, so if I was supposed to interpret it to include screenwriters or anything the answer is invalid.
Hmm. Taking this question at face value where I am only prioritizing by the individual flavor and character of the books and not their cultural significance, I’m going to say let’s keep J.K. Rowling… Tamora Pierce… Sharon Shinn, Laini Taylor, John Scalzi. I was also tempted by Philip Pullman (but I think about 75% of what I’d miss is people putting daemons in arbitrary fanfiction, which it sounds like would get suitably replaced?) and Zenna Henderson (but I think losing her stories would probably be a smaller loss to me than the ones I picked).
I did this by looking at my bookshelf which has actual books on it, so if I was supposed to interpret it to include screenwriters or anything the answer is invalid.