The quality of discourse in Russian LJ depends almost entirely on your immediate circle of readers. Incredible stupidity and mendacity happily coexist with fantastic blogs and interesting debates. The number and density of the latter has gone down over the years, but then again, blogging as a phenomenon has.
It comes down to this: the main reason I blog on LJ in Russian because I still have lots and lots of readers there who are smarter and knowledgeable than me in the many different areas I’m interested in. There’s no single place I can blog or write in English that would give me as much, and as useful, feedback (and that certainly includes LW).
Why do you even waste time on lj-russians? The level of the discourse is lagging roughly two hundred years behind the western world.
The quality of discourse in Russian LJ depends almost entirely on your immediate circle of readers. Incredible stupidity and mendacity happily coexist with fantastic blogs and interesting debates. The number and density of the latter has gone down over the years, but then again, blogging as a phenomenon has.
It comes down to this: the main reason I blog on LJ in Russian because I still have lots and lots of readers there who are smarter and knowledgeable than me in the many different areas I’m interested in. There’s no single place I can blog or write in English that would give me as much, and as useful, feedback (and that certainly includes LW).