...Thus the phenomenon of tribes seeks to destroy the phenomenon of skills
I don’t think it’s “the phenomenon of tribes”, I think it’s a phenomenon of tribes. Humans virtually always occupy one tribe or another, so it makes no more sense to say that “tribes destroy skills” than, for example, “DNA destroys skills”. There is no tribeless counterfactual we can compare to.
A skill-aspected tribe uses its norms to police how you pursue skills. Tribes whose identity is unrelated to pursuit of same skills won’t affect this activity strongly.
I think any tribe affects how you pursue skills by determining which skills are rewarded (or punished), and which skills you have room to exercise.
I don’t think it’s “the phenomenon of tribes”, I think it’s a phenomenon of tribes. Humans virtually always occupy one tribe or another, so it makes no more sense to say that “tribes destroy skills” than, for example, “DNA destroys skills”. There is no tribeless counterfactual we can compare to.
I think any tribe affects how you pursue skills by determining which skills are rewarded (or punished), and which skills you have room to exercise.