If this post succeeds, it will create a lot of data that will be much more useful if it is organized. I’d like to follow it up with posts in the discussion section, or possibly main for big things, that are focused on more specific niches within the broad topic of businesses that make the world better.
It would be great if more people want to join me with optimizing the organizational end of this. I think the ideal would be to start a discussion thread for this once we see what sorts of responses come in. Perhaps a simple rule to start might be that if you feel inspired to start a new top level thread, post to the organizational thread first, and wait at least 24hrs for feedback before implementing. I think good, well-thought-out high level organization will go quite a ways toward productive discussion and ideas actually getting implemented.
It would also be nice to start a wiki, volunteers for this would be great, but I’d like some discussion about this for at least a couple of days on the organization thread before it happens, since the quality and implementation of the wiki will have a big impact on how useful it is, and it would be best to do it right the first time and not end up with multiple wikis.
For this post, I encourage people to start threads for things such as:
people offering physical/material resources.
people interested in working on projects in various fields.
people interested in leading projects.
people who have resources such as niche training or lots of money and a particular passion related to making the world better that they would be interested in making a certain project happen related to.
In addition to posting publicly if you are interested in working on a project, you can also fill out this form to be sent to me personally and not published on the web. I’ll do what matchmaking I can with the forms personally and only send them to people who I think have potential to be good matches. ) to be sent to me personally and not published on the web. I’ll do what matchmaking I can with the forms personally and only send them to people who I think have potential to be good matches.
x-posting comment from over here in case anyone else is willing to take this on:
Would creating a wiki for this page be the sort of thing that you’d be interested in?
Things that I think could be sped up with some a program would be to translate all of the comments over wiki format, and organizing the ideas—it would be really cool if posts for business ideas to be tagged and then organized ranked by upvotes, and updated with the upvote updates on the website.
What I’m visualizing is a page with a list of links of ideas that are ranked (people can manually title the idea summaries after the wiki is created), that links back to the LW site. I’d say that’s the most important aspect and I’d love to see it done soon, although there’s plenty of other organization that would be nice as well.
A wiki would be invaluable to organizing something like this. I was thinking something more in the format of a Google Group or a Forum, something that splits the difference between user operated and self organized, but maybe something closer to a wiki that incorporates some Digg and Reddit features, if not just getting a subreddit for Conceptuality… stuffs.
Michael wrote a script that scrapes the comments on this thread and posts them in ranked order. It is much more manageable to look the list of ideas now:
Hello, I’m new on Less Wrong. The original post brought me here from Hacker News. I really like the idea presented by you and my first thought was that is this the right platform to make things happen? I scrolled through the posts and wanted to scan the headlines, just to check what kind of ideas people come up with. I noticed that I was looking at the small margins under the posts, because it signaled a new idea. That made me think that we can do better than a threaded comment system and asking people to organize information that is already there but in the wrong format. The top post right now has 12 comments and I think if each idea would have a separate discussion thread then people would be more active.
I have a lot of ideas what a good platform would look like. If you like my idea, then we could put together a simple webapp that is capable of managing the ideas the post generates. It could also be a test if we can build something together.
If this post succeeds, it will create a lot of data that will be much more useful if it is organized. I’d like to follow it up with posts in the discussion section, or possibly main for big things, that are focused on more specific niches within the broad topic of businesses that make the world better.
It would be great if more people want to join me with optimizing the organizational end of this. I think the ideal would be to start a discussion thread for this once we see what sorts of responses come in. Perhaps a simple rule to start might be that if you feel inspired to start a new top level thread, post to the organizational thread first, and wait at least 24hrs for feedback before implementing. I think good, well-thought-out high level organization will go quite a ways toward productive discussion and ideas actually getting implemented.
It would also be nice to start a wiki, volunteers for this would be great, but I’d like some discussion about this for at least a couple of days on the organization thread before it happens, since the quality and implementation of the wiki will have a big impact on how useful it is, and it would be best to do it right the first time and not end up with multiple wikis.
For this post, I encourage people to start threads for things such as:
people offering physical/material resources.
people interested in working on projects in various fields.
people interested in leading projects.
people who have resources such as niche training or lots of money and a particular passion related to making the world better that they would be interested in making a certain project happen related to.
In addition to posting publicly if you are interested in working on a project, you can also fill out this form to be sent to me personally and not published on the web. I’ll do what matchmaking I can with the forms personally and only send them to people who I think have potential to be good matches. ) to be sent to me personally and not published on the web. I’ll do what matchmaking I can with the forms personally and only send them to people who I think have potential to be good matches.
x-posting comment from over here in case anyone else is willing to take this on:
Would creating a wiki for this page be the sort of thing that you’d be interested in?
Things that I think could be sped up with some a program would be to translate all of the comments over wiki format, and organizing the ideas—it would be really cool if posts for business ideas to be tagged and then organized ranked by upvotes, and updated with the upvote updates on the website.
What I’m visualizing is a page with a list of links of ideas that are ranked (people can manually title the idea summaries after the wiki is created), that links back to the LW site. I’d say that’s the most important aspect and I’d love to see it done soon, although there’s plenty of other organization that would be nice as well.
A wiki would be invaluable to organizing something like this. I was thinking something more in the format of a Google Group or a Forum, something that splits the difference between user operated and self organized, but maybe something closer to a wiki that incorporates some Digg and Reddit features, if not just getting a subreddit for Conceptuality… stuffs.
The Wiki is up! Thanks Michaelkeenan!
Michael wrote a script that scrapes the comments on this thread and posts them in ranked order. It is much more manageable to look the list of ideas now:
For anyone inspired to make further improvements, what I think would be most useful would be to:
Separate advice/other from business ideas with different sections.
Optimize the titles of the ideas so that someone can look at the list and instantly know what each idea is about.
Hello, I’m new on Less Wrong. The original post brought me here from Hacker News. I really like the idea presented by you and my first thought was that is this the right platform to make things happen? I scrolled through the posts and wanted to scan the headlines, just to check what kind of ideas people come up with. I noticed that I was looking at the small margins under the posts, because it signaled a new idea. That made me think that we can do better than a threaded comment system and asking people to organize information that is already there but in the wrong format. The top post right now has 12 comments and I think if each idea would have a separate discussion thread then people would be more active. I have a lot of ideas what a good platform would look like. If you like my idea, then we could put together a simple webapp that is capable of managing the ideas the post generates. It could also be a test if we can build something together.