So, a big part of the trouble with science on this subject is the selection effects. Parents have to choose to homeschool their kids, or put their kids in Montessori schools, or so on.
Another issue is that, well, social troubles are everywhere. I know lots of people whose social lives collapsed after college, because they don’t know how to maneuver socially as an adult.
So there are two cores that I’m confident in, with no commentary on how successfully they’re approached in the real world:
Prussian-style schools socialize students in the way they were designed- to be soldiers who form bonds with people they need to form bonds with and to respect authority.
Deliberate socialization of modern adults should reflect the lives of modern adults- which include frequent moves to new locations, access to the Internet, and specialization of taste. Social skills should be treated as skills, which take instruction and practice just like other skills like math.
So, a big part of the trouble with science on this subject is the selection effects. Parents have to choose to homeschool their kids, or put their kids in Montessori schools, or so on.
Another issue is that, well, social troubles are everywhere. I know lots of people whose social lives collapsed after college, because they don’t know how to maneuver socially as an adult.
So there are two cores that I’m confident in, with no commentary on how successfully they’re approached in the real world:
Prussian-style schools socialize students in the way they were designed- to be soldiers who form bonds with people they need to form bonds with and to respect authority.
Deliberate socialization of modern adults should reflect the lives of modern adults- which include frequent moves to new locations, access to the Internet, and specialization of taste. Social skills should be treated as skills, which take instruction and practice just like other skills like math.