Clearly, clear thinking is opaquely difficult. The future is not random, Roland, the future is just unknown. The future will have about as much structure as the now has, but we do not yet know all the details. This can possibly be construed as “randomness” in our thinking, but it is not randomness in the world. Another POV would call this “randomness in our thinking” as uncertainty. Roland “don’t fall into this trap” means don’t let determinism dertermine you—or worse—let Roland determine what you are determined to do. Maybe the Don’t Panic button would be better and thusly your future was.
Clearly, clear thinking is opaquely difficult. The future is not random, Roland, the future is just unknown. The future will have about as much structure as the now has, but we do not yet know all the details. This can possibly be construed as “randomness” in our thinking, but it is not randomness in the world. Another POV would call this “randomness in our thinking” as uncertainty. Roland “don’t fall into this trap” means don’t let determinism dertermine you—or worse—let Roland determine what you are determined to do. Maybe the Don’t Panic button would be better and thusly your future was.