We can suggest a Weak Zombie Argument: It is logically possible to have a universe where all qualia of red and green are inverted in the minds of its inhabitants, while all physical things remain the same.
I’d say that universe you describe IS one we’re living in (note I’m not using “equal to” or “same as”, I’m rejecting that those are two different worlds). It doesn’t really matter for anything happening in the universe whether strawberry color is labelled “red”, “black”, “colF00” or “qualia_fa615f8f”, or if that particular quale might never happen, as long as causal network is isomorphic to the original one.
I’d say that universe you describe IS one we’re living in (note I’m not using “equal to” or “same as”, I’m rejecting that those are two different worlds). It doesn’t really matter for anything happening in the universe whether strawberry color is labelled “red”, “black”, “colF00” or “qualia_fa615f8f”, or if that particular quale might never happen, as long as causal network is isomorphic to the original one.