I know nothing about the details of your situation, but this doesn’t sound likely to be a wise move.
Living in a car rather than the cheapest accommodation you can find means (leaving aside the issue of romantic/sexual relationships, though you should reconsider whether burning your bridges there is really likely to be best for you):
More money, but not hugely more money unless you’re somewhere stupidly expensive like San Francisco. (In which case you should consider moving rather than living in your car.)
Sleeping in the car rather than in a bed: you will almost certainly sleep worse (hence, be less effective in the daytime) and will likely be setting yourself up for back problems later on, as you say.
Nowhere to work: I guess your plan is to work in cafes or something, where there is noise and you’re likely to have to spend more on drinks than if you worked at home. And this works only for some categories of work.
Nowhere to store clothes so you will probably look scruffy all the time. Fine if your experiments on novel consumable services/products never requires you to go in person to see potential customers or business partners, not so good otherwise.
Nowhere to bathe or shower or even wash but presumably there’s some workaround for that (but I expect it will also cost money).
You need to have the car eliminating a different way of saving money (which may or may not be viable depending on where you live).
Possible difficulty with law enforcement because AIUI sleeping in a car in a public parking space is actually illegal in many places.
No postal address which may again be awkward for some business purposes, for buying things online, etc.
Nowhere to store substantial numbers of books which you may or may not care about (maybe the cool kids are using ebooks for everything these days).
More risk from crime—someone can steal your actual home if you do this, and other less drastic kinds of crime are also more of a risk.
Those seem like substantial drawbacks. If you have the sort of skills that give a real prospect of success making “novel consumable services/products”, can’t you rent somewhere cheap and pay for it by doing some sort of freelance work a day or two a week, and have a better quality of life overall?
Note that many of these problems can be substantially mitigated by living in a caravan (RV). In fact, there is a considerable population of American retirees who live in RVs. There are certainly trade-offs involved, but they make sense for some people.
Where do they put their RVs? Do they end up paying rent for that? (And: are RVs cheap enough that this makes sense for Clarity, who I take it is young and has little in the way of savings?)
Where do they put their RVs? Do they end up paying rent for that?
You can put your RV into an RV park and pay rent. You can also park somewhere (e.g. in the US Walmart is well-known for not chasing RVs off their parking lots) and once every few days drive to an RV station to refill, recharge, discard your black/grey water, etc. If you’re really hurting for money you can (usually illegally) dump your black/grey water yourself somewhere, get electricity from solar panels, and generally be pretty self-contained.
are RVs cheap enough
As usual, it depends. Old ones in bad condition are cheap :-/
Cheap to buy but presumably not so cheap to maintain.
Still, given Vaniver’s figures elsewhere in this thread and a plausible guess at the cost of minimal RV maintenance, it looks as if living in your car still does come out cheaper than living in a house or apartment. Those drawbacks seem to me to outweigh that, though, for anyone whose earning power isn’t too wretched.
That depends on your situation and preferences. If you are single, have a telecommuting job, and there is some wanderlust in you, living in a (travelling) RV can be an excellent idea. On the other hand, if you have a family with kids, a job that requires your physical presence, a tight social circle of your neighbours… maybe not so much.
Nowhere to bathe or shower or even wash but presumably there’s some workaround for that (but I expect it will also cost money).
The traditional approach here is a gym membership.
No postal address which may again be awkward for some business purposes, for buying things online, etc.
Likewise, a PO Box. (This doesn’t work for everything, but gets close; I know there are a handful of online mail services for nomads that I am not familiar with.)
Yup. But these aren’t free, and the whole point here is to save money. (Right?) I don’t have a very good idea of just how not-free they are, though; Clarity should do the calculations and work out just what the saving ends up being.
That’s a lot cheaper than in the UK where I am, I think. (Typical gyms seem to be at least ~£30/month; PO box ~£20/month. £1 is about $1.60. Perhaps one can do much better by seeking out the cheapest. I haven’t looked very hard...)
I know nothing about the details of your situation, but this doesn’t sound likely to be a wise move.
Living in a car rather than the cheapest accommodation you can find means (leaving aside the issue of romantic/sexual relationships, though you should reconsider whether burning your bridges there is really likely to be best for you):
More money, but not hugely more money unless you’re somewhere stupidly expensive like San Francisco. (In which case you should consider moving rather than living in your car.)
Sleeping in the car rather than in a bed: you will almost certainly sleep worse (hence, be less effective in the daytime) and will likely be setting yourself up for back problems later on, as you say.
Nowhere to work: I guess your plan is to work in cafes or something, where there is noise and you’re likely to have to spend more on drinks than if you worked at home. And this works only for some categories of work.
Nowhere to store clothes so you will probably look scruffy all the time. Fine if your experiments on novel consumable services/products never requires you to go in person to see potential customers or business partners, not so good otherwise.
Nowhere to bathe or shower or even wash but presumably there’s some workaround for that (but I expect it will also cost money).
You need to have the car eliminating a different way of saving money (which may or may not be viable depending on where you live).
Possible difficulty with law enforcement because AIUI sleeping in a car in a public parking space is actually illegal in many places.
No postal address which may again be awkward for some business purposes, for buying things online, etc.
Nowhere to store substantial numbers of books which you may or may not care about (maybe the cool kids are using ebooks for everything these days).
More risk from crime—someone can steal your actual home if you do this, and other less drastic kinds of crime are also more of a risk.
Those seem like substantial drawbacks. If you have the sort of skills that give a real prospect of success making “novel consumable services/products”, can’t you rent somewhere cheap and pay for it by doing some sort of freelance work a day or two a week, and have a better quality of life overall?
Note that many of these problems can be substantially mitigated by living in a caravan (RV). In fact, there is a considerable population of American retirees who live in RVs. There are certainly trade-offs involved, but they make sense for some people.
Where do they put their RVs? Do they end up paying rent for that? (And: are RVs cheap enough that this makes sense for Clarity, who I take it is young and has little in the way of savings?)
You can put your RV into an RV park and pay rent. You can also park somewhere (e.g. in the US Walmart is well-known for not chasing RVs off their parking lots) and once every few days drive to an RV station to refill, recharge, discard your black/grey water, etc. If you’re really hurting for money you can (usually illegally) dump your black/grey water yourself somewhere, get electricity from solar panels, and generally be pretty self-contained.
As usual, it depends. Old ones in bad condition are cheap :-/
Cheap to buy but presumably not so cheap to maintain.
Still, given Vaniver’s figures elsewhere in this thread and a plausible guess at the cost of minimal RV maintenance, it looks as if living in your car still does come out cheaper than living in a house or apartment. Those drawbacks seem to me to outweigh that, though, for anyone whose earning power isn’t too wretched.
That depends on your situation and preferences. If you are single, have a telecommuting job, and there is some wanderlust in you, living in a (travelling) RV can be an excellent idea. On the other hand, if you have a family with kids, a job that requires your physical presence, a tight social circle of your neighbours… maybe not so much.
I would add:
A social circle who thinks RV are cool and not a sign of low status.
The traditional approach here is a gym membership.
Likewise, a PO Box. (This doesn’t work for everything, but gets close; I know there are a handful of online mail services for nomads that I am not familiar with.)
Yup. But these aren’t free, and the whole point here is to save money. (Right?) I don’t have a very good idea of just how not-free they are, though; Clarity should do the calculations and work out just what the saving ends up being.
Each of those are roughly $10-20 a month.
That’s a lot cheaper than in the UK where I am, I think. (Typical gyms seem to be at least ~£30/month; PO box ~£20/month. £1 is about $1.60. Perhaps one can do much better by seeking out the cheapest. I haven’t looked very hard...)