Free Kindle Textbook: The Cerebellum: Brain for an Implicit Self (FT Press Science)

**** DEAL OVER: As of 20120611.

Another free kindle I thought some might have interest in. I haven’t read it, but the first review was glowing and looked relevant.

First Amazon Review:

> Five Star Final; Excellent; A “must read” for any “student” of brain-behavior relationships


UPDATE: Still free at the US amazon at 2pm eastern time. Reports that it is not free at the UK site, which I verified. Since I can log in to the UK site from the US and see the price, I assume people in the UK could sign into the US site and buy it. If anyone gives that a try, let me know and I’ll further update the top level.

UPDATE: Free at Can buy at the US site from the Netherlands. Can’t buy from FR or US sites from UK.