How so? In particular, are you saying that gaussian processes bias towards low Kolmogorov complexity, or are you saying that there’s some simplicitly prior here besides what gaussian processes have? If the former, how does a gaussian process bias towards short programs other than the compressibility offered by smoothness?
(Of course smoothness itself implies some compressibility in the Kolmogorov picture; the interesting question is whether there’s a bias towards functions which can be compressed in more general ways.)
How so? In particular, are you saying that gaussian processes bias towards low Kolmogorov complexity, or are you saying that there’s some simplicitly prior here besides what gaussian processes have? If the former, how does a gaussian process bias towards short programs other than the compressibility offered by smoothness?
(Of course smoothness itself implies some compressibility in the Kolmogorov picture; the interesting question is whether there’s a bias towards functions which can be compressed in more general ways.)