What you think about them

LWers who asked for personal feedback/​critique in the comments to What I think about you: Dorikka, atucker, muflax, jsalvatier, Tyrell_McAllister, TheOtherDave.

LWers who asked for personal feedback at lukeprog’s Tell me what you think about me: lukeprog, Jolly, SilasBarta, gwern.

If you have met any of these LWers face-to-face, or just have some constructive criticism to offer them, I urge you to do so by any discreet channel, e.g. private messages on LW or the various feedback forms that these LWers have set up. Most of them have declared Crocker’s rules. Please don’t hesitate: you have a chance to do a lot of good.

There seems to be a large unmet demand for feedback. Any ideas how to better satisfy that demand are welcome!

ETA: Antisuji, endoself, John_Maxwell_IV.