“Why would anyone want to attack me? I’m nobody special.” People readily understand why an attacker would want to break into the US Army’s computers, or Microsoft’s, or Al Jazeera’s. The reasons to attack an ordinary user’s PC are somewhat harder to communicate: they want to take over your computer in order to use it to attack others (being part of a botnet); to sniff your email password or cookies so your account can be used to send spam or to phish your friends; and so on.
“Why would anyone want to attack me? I’m nobody special.” People readily understand why an attacker would want to break into the US Army’s computers, or Microsoft’s, or Al Jazeera’s. The reasons to attack an ordinary user’s PC are somewhat harder to communicate: they want to take over your computer in order to use it to attack others (being part of a botnet); to sniff your email password or cookies so your account can be used to send spam or to phish your friends; and so on.