My informal critique of CIRL is that it assume two untrue facts: that H knows θ (ie knows their own values) and that
H is perfectly rational (or noisly rational in a specific way).
This seems like a valid critique. But do you see it as a deal breaker? In my mind, these are pretty minor failings of CIRL. Because if a person is being irrational and/or can’t figure out what they want, then how can we expect the AI to? (Or is there some alternative scheme which handles these cases better than CIRL?)
This seems like a valid critique. But do you see it as a deal breaker? In my mind, these are pretty minor failings of CIRL. Because if a person is being irrational and/or can’t figure out what they want, then how can we expect the AI to? (Or is there some alternative scheme which handles these cases better than CIRL?)
(Update: Stuart replied to this comment on LessWrong:
I see this issue as being a fundamental problem: