Related to this questions is this youtube video, which I think you might find very interesting.
In this video (or perhaps a related one from the same person) they explore the idea of space getting extremely cold at long-times when the cosmic microwave background is much more red-shifted than it is today. In contrast to your idea they actually argue that all that cold is a good thing. A cold computer can run the same calculations with less energy. They go as far as to propose that this hypothetical civilisation will lie dormant until the universe has grown colder, as this allows the rest-mass energy of their black hole to simulate a larger number of virtual people, than they could have simulated had they started in our relatively hot age.
Related to this questions is this youtube video, which I think you might find very interesting.
In this video (or perhaps a related one from the same person) they explore the idea of space getting extremely cold at long-times when the cosmic microwave background is much more red-shifted than it is today. In contrast to your idea they actually argue that all that cold is a good thing. A cold computer can run the same calculations with less energy. They go as far as to propose that this hypothetical civilisation will lie dormant until the universe has grown colder, as this allows the rest-mass energy of their black hole to simulate a larger number of virtual people, than they could have simulated had they started in our relatively hot age.