When in doubt, ask.
The stackexchange network is great to get answers to questions.
skeptics stackexchange is for example great to get answers to general questions. If you encouter a significant claim on the internet it’s often a useful website to check.
Recently I came about the claim that batteries follow something like Moore’s law. I headed over to skeptics stackexchange and post a question.
Another useful habit is Anki. Especially if you don’t trust your brain to remember information on it’s own, let Anki help you.
When in doubt, ask. The stackexchange network is great to get answers to questions.
skeptics stackexchange is for example great to get answers to general questions.
If you encouter a significant claim on the internet it’s often a useful website to check. Recently I came about the claim that batteries follow something like Moore’s law. I headed over to skeptics stackexchange and post a question.
Another useful habit is Anki. Especially if you don’t trust your brain to remember information on it’s own, let Anki help you.