The first part does not actually follow from the data with any rigor—“Go online to meet people of the same sex, find opposite-sex partners in real life” is a perfectly reasonable strategy, simply because online dating avoids the whole “I’m straight” shot down in flames thing, which must get really old really quickly.
The older guys listing bisexuality and only messaging women, tough? Ehhr.. what?
Best guesses at an explanation for that one:
1) A lot of older men had some homosexual experimentation in their past, decided that they therefore count as bi, but are now only interested in heterosexual relationships.
2) A lot of older men choose to signal what they believe to be the desirable characteristic of “sexual adventurousness” to their actual target sexual partner, which is younger women.
Plus, there may be many bisexual men specifically looking for a partner they can breed with. Based roughly on barely remembered male fertility age statistics, I’d guess men would be most interested in fathering children in the 25-45 age rage, and there does seem to be a bit of a hump in the data in that range.
Hypothesis: a large fraction of young men in those results are coming to terms with their sexuality, while a large fraction of old men are trying to signal sexual adventurousness?
Yeah, that’s what I thought too. I’m just surprised that bisexuality would be something so many men imagine (perhaps correctly?) women are attracted to.
The fact that young bi men are almost always closeted gay men, while old bi men are almost always closeted straight men, is particularly baffling.
I don’t find the first part baffling; there’s a trope that many gay men go through bisexuality on their way to accepting their homosexuality. (I had a brief period where I identified as bi because I wasn’t fully ready to identify as gay.)
Nah, selection bias. You don’t go on OK Cupid as a bi man to find men—that’s Grindr or other similar sites. Much easier and quicker and more straightforward. But if you’re a bi man looking for women, OK Cupid is a good place to go.
I don’t. Compare it with the OkCupid data analysis. Bisexuality could be more of a signal. Admittedly at least in the (quite large) OkCupid data.
Oh, wow, that’s incredibly strange/interesting, I had never seen that before. Thanks for sharing.
The fact that young bi men are almost always closeted gay men, while old bi men are almost always closeted straight men, is particularly baffling.
The first part does not actually follow from the data with any rigor—“Go online to meet people of the same sex, find opposite-sex partners in real life” is a perfectly reasonable strategy, simply because online dating avoids the whole “I’m straight” shot down in flames thing, which must get really old really quickly.
The older guys listing bisexuality and only messaging women, tough? Ehhr.. what?
Best guesses at an explanation for that one: 1) A lot of older men had some homosexual experimentation in their past, decided that they therefore count as bi, but are now only interested in heterosexual relationships. 2) A lot of older men choose to signal what they believe to be the desirable characteristic of “sexual adventurousness” to their actual target sexual partner, which is younger women.
Plus, there may be many bisexual men specifically looking for a partner they can breed with. Based roughly on barely remembered male fertility age statistics, I’d guess men would be most interested in fathering children in the 25-45 age rage, and there does seem to be a bit of a hump in the data in that range.
Hypothesis: a large fraction of young men in those results are coming to terms with their sexuality, while a large fraction of old men are trying to signal sexual adventurousness?
Yeah, that’s what I thought too. I’m just surprised that bisexuality would be something so many men imagine (perhaps correctly?) women are attracted to.
I don’t find the first part baffling; there’s a trope that many gay men go through bisexuality on their way to accepting their homosexuality. (I had a brief period where I identified as bi because I wasn’t fully ready to identify as gay.)
Same. It’s easier to tell people that you have a left hand than it is to tell people you’re left-handed, so to speak.
Nah, selection bias. You don’t go on OK Cupid as a bi man to find men—that’s Grindr or other similar sites. Much easier and quicker and more straightforward. But if you’re a bi man looking for women, OK Cupid is a good place to go.