(the last time I remember reading anything about Leverage Research doing anything was when they failed at polyphasic sleep, which was like a year or two ago now?)
Is there a written postmortem of that episode available somewhere? I can only find the announcement that they wanted to start polyphasic sleep but not anything about the results.
Is there a written postmortem of that episode available somewhere?
No. People have been posting comments requesting a postmortem or at least the Zeo data for a long time now, without any public response. Hence, the inference is that (aside from Fallshaw), it was a miserable failure.
Is there a written postmortem of that episode available somewhere? I can only find the announcement that they wanted to start polyphasic sleep but not anything about the results.
No. People have been posting comments requesting a postmortem or at least the Zeo data for a long time now, without any public response. Hence, the inference is that (aside from Fallshaw), it was a miserable failure.