Lucien Laubier, Does oasis au fond does mers, 1986. In Russian translation - Люсьен Лобье, Оазисьі на дне океана, 1990. Great short book about ecosystems forming on the ocean floor due to chemotrophic bacteria. Probably quite dated by now, but I would still recommend it for illustrations, clarity and frequent mentions of alternative hypotheses, whether they were proved, disproved, or something else. Would be of particular interest for fans of Peter Watts’s underwater sci-fi.
Lucien Laubier, Does oasis au fond does mers, 1986. In Russian translation - Люсьен Лобье, Оазисьі на дне океана, 1990. Great short book about ecosystems forming on the ocean floor due to chemotrophic bacteria. Probably quite dated by now, but I would still recommend it for illustrations, clarity and frequent mentions of alternative hypotheses, whether they were proved, disproved, or something else. Would be of particular interest for fans of Peter Watts’s underwater sci-fi.