Anyone who wants to start this sort of meta discussion, create a new post “December 2009 Meta Thread
Actually, now that I think about it, is the problem really that the discussion is too meta? Or is it something else?
EDIT: In fact, rereading the post, I don’t even think the tone is all that inappropriate after all. Perhaps I was put off by the title (“uh-oh, here comes another one of these ‘look at what a hypocrite Eliezer is’ postings...”)
Actually, now that I think about it, is the problem really that the discussion is too meta? Or is it something else?
EDIT: In fact, rereading the post, I don’t even think the tone is all that inappropriate after all. Perhaps I was put off by the title (“uh-oh, here comes another one of these ‘look at what a hypocrite Eliezer is’ postings...”)
A discussion which is interesting because it isn’t.