Phrases like “gross negligence” are generally about legal or public judgement, and the title of the post says “power and duty”. I took these to imply that the post is (at least partly) about these things. And the text didn’t make the distinction very clearly, so I pointed out that they’re different things which should be addressed separately. If that’s unhelpful, I apologize. I was also confused by examples of withholding true information (from oneself or others) in order to be able to make a potentially-regrettable decision, which seem more like run-of-the-mill fuzzy thinking than legal or moral choices.
Phrases like “gross negligence” are generally about legal or public judgement, and the title of the post says “power and duty”. I took these to imply that the post is (at least partly) about these things. And the text didn’t make the distinction very clearly, so I pointed out that they’re different things which should be addressed separately. If that’s unhelpful, I apologize. I was also confused by examples of withholding true information (from oneself or others) in order to be able to make a potentially-regrettable decision, which seem more like run-of-the-mill fuzzy thinking than legal or moral choices.