If you can develop general rationality why can’t you use it for sonething practical. Many things would either be intrinsically fun or useful to people primarily interested in AI. Fur example become rich from reading. Or excel in some sport or hobby. Maybe you think it’s impossible to do this as an individual. But then I’m skeptical of your rationality skill.
I think you totally can use rationality (that is: “intentionally choosing cognitive algorithms that perform better” for practical things, it’s just that for most practical things, “practice being better at rationality” is less useful than “practice being better at the-thing-itself.”
If you find rationality practice intrinsically rewarding (as I, and probably many people on this site do), then yeah you should do that. But, purposeful practice is particularly exhausting and effortful. I think most people aren’t doing purposeful practice because they anticipate it being exhausting and effortful and also not super paying off compared to other things they could do, and they are probably correct.
If you have chosen to invest a bunch in rationality, yes you totally should see benefits in practical things.
If you can develop general rationality why can’t you use it for sonething practical. Many things would either be intrinsically fun or useful to people primarily interested in AI. Fur example become rich from reading. Or excel in some sport or hobby. Maybe you think it’s impossible to do this as an individual. But then I’m skeptical of your rationality skill.
I think you totally can use rationality (that is: “intentionally choosing cognitive algorithms that perform better” for practical things, it’s just that for most practical things, “practice being better at rationality” is less useful than “practice being better at the-thing-itself.”
If you find rationality practice intrinsically rewarding (as I, and probably many people on this site do), then yeah you should do that. But, purposeful practice is particularly exhausting and effortful. I think most people aren’t doing purposeful practice because they anticipate it being exhausting and effortful and also not super paying off compared to other things they could do, and they are probably correct.
If you have chosen to invest a bunch in rationality, yes you totally should see benefits in practical things.