Why should I accept what she says rather than what, say, Jeffrey Sachs says
You should not uncritically accept anything. But you should recognize that there is a point of view (not limited to Moyo) which claims that many (or most) forms of aid have net negative consequences. Many people would be surprised to learn that this point of view exists.
It’s also worth pointing out that the usual bias mechanisms will push you towards believing that aid really helps.
you should recognize that there is a point of view [...]
So recognized. (And, as it happens, already known.)
the usual bias mechanisms will push you towards believing that aid really helps
Some will. Some will push the other way. (I don’t know about you, but I like having money, and anything that has the consequence that the best thing for the world happens to involve me having more money is going to get at least a bit of a boost from that. I don’t think I’m unusual in this respect.)
You should not uncritically accept anything. But you should recognize that there is a point of view (not limited to Moyo) which claims that many (or most) forms of aid have net negative consequences. Many people would be surprised to learn that this point of view exists.
It’s also worth pointing out that the usual bias mechanisms will push you towards believing that aid really helps.
So recognized. (And, as it happens, already known.)
Some will. Some will push the other way. (I don’t know about you, but I like having money, and anything that has the consequence that the best thing for the world happens to involve me having more money is going to get at least a bit of a boost from that. I don’t think I’m unusual in this respect.)