I feel like it happens to me in practice routinely. I see options A, B, C and D and I keep oscillating between them. I am not indifferent; I perceive pairwise differences but can’t find a global optimum. This can happen in commonplace situations, e.g., when choosing between brands of pasta sauce or somesuch. And I’ll spend several minutes agonizing before finally picking one.
I had the impression this happened to a lot of people.
That looks like noisy comparisons being made on near indistinguishable things. (Life tip: if they’re too difficult to distinguish, it hardly matters which you choose. Just pick one already.)
I feel like it happens to me in practice routinely. I see options A, B, C and D and I keep oscillating between them. I am not indifferent; I perceive pairwise differences but can’t find a global optimum. This can happen in commonplace situations, e.g., when choosing between brands of pasta sauce or somesuch. And I’ll spend several minutes agonizing before finally picking one.
I had the impression this happened to a lot of people.
That looks like noisy comparisons being made on near indistinguishable things. (Life tip: if they’re too difficult to distinguish, it hardly matters which you choose. Just pick one already.)