This is going to be extremely hard for anyone with difficulty with negative self-concepts to do well; the negativity could be extremely demotivating.
I’d suggest extending it by writing every separate statement down on an index card. Take the index cards at the end that are just negative (like “it’s arrogant you think you can write a book” below) and burn them. Literally.
Then take the index cards where your internal less wrong commenter has a point, and do what they say. (“You’ll never be finished in two months if you haven’t started yet” is an example from the book case below that might be productive.)
The catharsis of burning the pure negativity will be helpful in preventing you from lapsing into a negative affect spiral about yourself, and then you’ll get the benefits of this technique, which I think has a lot of potential.
Anyone who comments on Less Wrong knows it’s much easier to tear something apart in comments than it is to write a good post. This is just a neat hack on top of that.
This is going to be extremely hard for anyone with difficulty with negative self-concepts to do well; the negativity could be extremely demotivating.
I’d suggest extending it by writing every separate statement down on an index card. Take the index cards at the end that are just negative (like “it’s arrogant you think you can write a book” below) and burn them. Literally.
Then take the index cards where your internal less wrong commenter has a point, and do what they say. (“You’ll never be finished in two months if you haven’t started yet” is an example from the book case below that might be productive.)
The catharsis of burning the pure negativity will be helpful in preventing you from lapsing into a negative affect spiral about yourself, and then you’ll get the benefits of this technique, which I think has a lot of potential.
Anyone who comments on Less Wrong knows it’s much easier to tear something apart in comments than it is to write a good post. This is just a neat hack on top of that.