Look at your plan in the most critical, contemptuous light possible and come up with the obvious uncharitable insulting argument for why you will fail.
Seems like an idea, but as I already see a million faults with my plans, and end up paralyzed thereby, I don’t think this would help me out much.
My problem is generally more one of turning off the criticism than turning it on.
What you’re suggesting is what I used to call self sadism, and I’ve concluded that it was decidedly unhelpful and unhealthy for me.
I’ve moved on from self sadism to Big Brother. Channel a person older and wiser than you, who wants to help you, and will review your plan. I think one key is to get your ego out of the evaluation of the plan and it’s effects. Anyone else’s problems are easy to solve, it’s only our own problems that we’re morons about, because they’re so tied up in our egos and self image.
Naturally, doing this with a real “Big Brother” would be better still. Having people you trust and can talk to is a good thing. Our own perspectives are quite limited, and particularly distorted when it comes to ourselves.
I’m saying it’s easier to be wise about someone else’s problems than your own. My “Big Brother” need not be wiser than me, just wiser than me about my problems.
Seems like an idea, but as I already see a million faults with my plans, and end up paralyzed thereby, I don’t think this would help me out much.
My problem is generally more one of turning off the criticism than turning it on.
What you’re suggesting is what I used to call self sadism, and I’ve concluded that it was decidedly unhelpful and unhealthy for me.
I’ve moved on from self sadism to Big Brother. Channel a person older and wiser than you, who wants to help you, and will review your plan. I think one key is to get your ego out of the evaluation of the plan and it’s effects. Anyone else’s problems are easy to solve, it’s only our own problems that we’re morons about, because they’re so tied up in our egos and self image.
Naturally, doing this with a real “Big Brother” would be better still. Having people you trust and can talk to is a good thing. Our own perspectives are quite limited, and particularly distorted when it comes to ourselves.
If you can reliably emulate a wiser person, why not just be the wiser person?
Being wise is the goal, emulation is a method of approaching it.
I think you’re missing my point.
I’m saying it’s easier to be wise about someone else’s problems than your own. My “Big Brother” need not be wiser than me, just wiser than me about my problems.