Sorry, cannot parse it. My behavior with others does not reflect their objective worth (what is that?) but my goals. Part of my goals may be being virtuous or good, which is called ethics. Or it can be raising the utility of certain people or even all people, but that is also a goal. My behavior with diamonds does not reflect the objective worth of diamonds (do they have any?) but my goals wrt to diamonds. Motivating: yes, that is close to the idea of goals. That is a good approach.
How about this: if you want to work from the angle of objective worth, well, you too do not worth objectively less than others. So basically you want your altruism to be a kind of reciprocal contract: “I have and you not, so I give you, but if it is ever so in the future that you have and I not you should give me too, because I do not worth less than you.”
If that sounds okay, then the next stage could be working from the idea that this is not a clearly formulated, signed contract, but more of a tacit agreement of mutual cooperation if and when the need arises, and then you get you have more of such a tacit agreement with people closer to you.
Sorry, cannot parse it. My behavior with others does not reflect their objective worth (what is that?) but my goals. Part of my goals may be being virtuous or good, which is called ethics. Or it can be raising the utility of certain people or even all people, but that is also a goal. My behavior with diamonds does not reflect the objective worth of diamonds (do they have any?) but my goals wrt to diamonds. Motivating: yes, that is close to the idea of goals. That is a good approach.
How about this: if you want to work from the angle of objective worth, well, you too do not worth objectively less than others. So basically you want your altruism to be a kind of reciprocal contract: “I have and you not, so I give you, but if it is ever so in the future that you have and I not you should give me too, because I do not worth less than you.”
If that sounds okay, then the next stage could be working from the idea that this is not a clearly formulated, signed contract, but more of a tacit agreement of mutual cooperation if and when the need arises, and then you get you have more of such a tacit agreement with people closer to you.