I’m sure there’s a lot of nonsense, but “post-utopian” appears to have a quite ordinary sense, despite the lowness of the signal to noise ratio of some of those hits. A post-utopian X (X = writer, architect, hairdresser, etc.) is one who is working after, and in reaction against, a period of utopianism, i.e. belief in the perfectibility of the world by man. Post-utopians today are the people who believe that the promises of science have been found hollow, and ruin and destruction are all we have to look forward to.
Post-utopians today are the people who believe that the promises of science have been found hollow, and ruin and destruction are all we have to look forward to.
By this definition, wouldn’t the belief that science will not lead to perfection but we can still look forward to more of what we already have (rather than ruin and destruction) be equally post-utopian?
Not as I see the word used, which appears to involve the sense of not merely less enthusiastic than, but turning away from. You can’t make a movement on the basis of “yes, but not as sparkly”.
I’m sure there’s a lot of nonsense, but “post-utopian” appears to have a quite ordinary sense, despite the lowness of the signal to noise ratio of some of those hits. A post-utopian X (X = writer, architect, hairdresser, etc.) is one who is working after, and in reaction against, a period of utopianism, i.e. belief in the perfectibility of the world by man. Post-utopians today are the people who believe that the promises of science have been found hollow, and ruin and destruction are all we have to look forward to.
We’re all utopians here.
By this definition, wouldn’t the belief that science will not lead to perfection but we can still look forward to more of what we already have (rather than ruin and destruction) be equally post-utopian?
Not as I see the word used, which appears to involve the sense of not merely less enthusiastic than, but turning away from. You can’t make a movement on the basis of “yes, but not as sparkly”.
Pity. “It will be kind of like it is now” is an under-utilized prediction.
Dunno, Futurama is pretty much entirely based on that.