I think this is gracefully resolved by adding the conditional that the object must have come into shape by causal intervention of a human mind which predicted creation of this physical form.
That just might be too many conditions and too complex a proposition, though.
I think this is gracefully resolved by adding the conditional that the object must have come into shape by causal intervention of a human mind which predicted creation of this physical form.
It has to be resolved one way or the other. They are both coherent questions, they just shouldn’t be confused.
I think this is gracefully resolved by adding the conditional that the object must have come into shape by causal intervention of a human mind which predicted creation of this physical form.
That just might be too many conditions and too complex a proposition, though.
It has to be resolved one way or the other. They are both coherent questions, they just shouldn’t be confused.
True. I hadn’t interpreted that as the point you were making, but in retrospect your comment makes sense if you had already thought of this.