Unlike the world of politics, in the world of technology the choices of individuals may still be paramount. The fate of our world may depend on the effort of a single person who builds or propagates the machinery of freedom that makes the world safe for capitalism.
I highly question this. So apparently I have no say in a democracy but when I am an inventor then I can shape the world? So the activists who lobby for green energy are doing nothing? Governments spending money for research are doing nothing?
I highly doubt that this romantic “single genius” idea is ever so slightly accurate. Usually people create companys and NGOs and sportsteams because together you are stronger, no matter how smart some individual.
I think this misunderstands the point Peter is making. This paragraph is not about government research money being ineffective but about the fact that things don’t happen simply because of natural progression without individuals pushing for change.
While there are many people who contribute to SpaceX’s success but without Elon Musk it wouldn’t exist. There’s a requirement for individuals to believe that they can create change for a company like SpaceX to exist.
Thanks. Re-reading the quote and reading your answer really made it understand better. I think a year ago I misinterpret this. It’s more on line of the free software movement and people saying “this sucks I will write a {OpenPGP, mutt, Patreon, Gmail, …} to make this better”
I highly question this. So apparently I have no say in a democracy but when I am an inventor then I can shape the world? So the activists who lobby for green energy are doing nothing? Governments spending money for research are doing nothing?
I highly doubt that this romantic “single genius” idea is ever so slightly accurate. Usually people create companys and NGOs and sportsteams because together you are stronger, no matter how smart some individual.
I think this misunderstands the point Peter is making. This paragraph is not about government research money being ineffective but about the fact that things don’t happen simply because of natural progression without individuals pushing for change.
While there are many people who contribute to SpaceX’s success but without Elon Musk it wouldn’t exist. There’s a requirement for individuals to believe that they can create change for a company like SpaceX to exist.
Thanks. Re-reading the quote and reading your answer really made it understand better. I think a year ago I misinterpret this. It’s more on line of the free software movement and people saying “this sucks I will write a {OpenPGP, mutt, Patreon, Gmail, …} to make this better”