I made some long comments below about why I think the whole Synapses section is making an implicit type error that invalidates most of the analysis. In particular, claims like this:
Thus the brain is likely doing on order 1014 to 1015 low-medium precision multiply-adds per second.
Are incorrect or at least very misleading, because they’re implicitly comparing “synaptic computation” to “flop/s”, but “synaptic computation” is not a performance metric of the system as a whole.
My most recent comment is here, which I think mostly stands on its own. This thread starts here, and an earlier, related thread starts here.
If others agree that my basic objection in these threads is valid, but find the presentation in the most recent comment is still confusing, I might expand it into a full post.
I made some long comments below about why I think the whole Synapses section is making an implicit type error that invalidates most of the analysis. In particular, claims like this:
Are incorrect or at least very misleading, because they’re implicitly comparing “synaptic computation” to “flop/s”, but “synaptic computation” is not a performance metric of the system as a whole.
My most recent comment is here, which I think mostly stands on its own. This thread starts here, and an earlier, related thread starts here.
If others agree that my basic objection in these threads is valid, but find the presentation in the most recent comment is still confusing, I might expand it into a full post.