Came to complain about a fundraising email with broken unsubscribe links. Saw the survey and filled it out. On reflection, I’m not sure that I was the target audience, but it’s done.
Lol, I am sorry about the fundraising email. It was really quite embarrassing.
(Context, a recent fundraising email I sent out to a bunch of old LessWrong accounts had unsubscribe links that pointed to localhost:3000 instead of, which of course is the most important link not to break)
Came to complain about a fundraising email with broken unsubscribe links. Saw the survey and filled it out. On reflection, I’m not sure that I was the target audience, but it’s done.
Well, thank you for filling the survey out. If you used to be around and aren’t any more, I’m happy to have you in the dataset.
I hope you get unsubscribed successfully, and best of luck in whatever you’re up to now!
Lol, I am sorry about the fundraising email. It was really quite embarrassing.
(Context, a recent fundraising email I sent out to a bunch of old LessWrong accounts had unsubscribe links that pointed to localhost:3000 instead of, which of course is the most important link not to break)