how much objective time it would take to generate your subjective experiences.
Nope, I don’t follow at all. One second per second is how I experience time. I can understand compression or variance in rate of memory formation or retention (how much the experience of one second has an impact a week or a decade later). And I’d expect there’s more data in variance over time (where the second in question has different experiences than the previous second did) than in variance at a point in time (where there are many slightly different sensations).
Nope, I don’t follow at all. One second per second is how I experience time. I can understand compression or variance in rate of memory formation or retention (how much the experience of one second has an impact a week or a decade later). And I’d expect there’s more data in variance over time (where the second in question has different experiences than the previous second did) than in variance at a point in time (where there are many slightly different sensations).