The paperclip maximizer oversimplifies AI motivations
Being very simple example kinda is the point?
and neglects the potential for emergent ethics in advanced AI systems.
The emergent ethics doesn’t change anything for us if it’s not human-aligned ethics.
The doomer narrative often overlooks the possibility of collaborative human-AI relationships and the potential for AI to develop values aligned with human interests.
This is very vague. What possibilities do you talk about exactly?
Current AI safety research and development practices are more nuanced and careful than the paperclip maximizer scenario suggests.
Does it suggest any safety or development practises? Would you like to elaborate?
Being very simple example kinda is the point?
The emergent ethics doesn’t change anything for us if it’s not human-aligned ethics.
This is very vague. What possibilities do you talk about exactly?
Does it suggest any safety or development practises? Would you like to elaborate?