Most people here prefer global maxima rather than local maxima. The litany of Grendlin is something that helps us take the hit when we transition away from a local maximum. Most people are too averse to unpleasant truths and are imprisoned by their illusions them rather comforted by them to an extent they couldn’t acheive with fixing the map. On average this is an admonition our community needs to be something that carries a punch.
Most people here prefer global maxima rather than local maxima. The litany of Grendlin is something that helps us take the hit when we transition away from a local maximum. Most people are too averse to unpleasant truths and are imprisoned by their illusions them rather comforted by them to an extent they couldn’t acheive with fixing the map. On average this is an admonition our community needs to be something that carries a punch.
I think it is fine as it is.