This seems like a good idea, although I feel that the number of people who use FLOPS to mean FLOP per second are still going to grow faster than those who switch to using FLOP/s, as most introductory material from a simple google search still refer to FLOPS as FLOP per second. Perhaps an edit to the wiki page could expedite the switch?
Also, will FLOP/s still be pronounced ‘flops’ or will it now be ‘flop per second’?
This seems like a good idea, although I feel that the number of people who use FLOPS to mean FLOP per second are still going to grow faster than those who switch to using FLOP/s, as most introductory material from a simple google search still refer to FLOPS as FLOP per second. Perhaps an edit to the wiki page could expedite the switch?
Also, will FLOP/s still be pronounced ‘flops’ or will it now be ‘flop per second’?