You might want to mention your timezone. I’d be available in ~7 hours, which is “tonight” my time, as long as the medium is text-only. Self-diagnosed Aspie, but the research says that’s about as accurate as a formal diagnosis these days :)
Well huzzah, we’re in the same time zone. Interested in grabbing me on IRC ~6 PM? If so, private message me the IRC info or what-have and I’ll be there :)
You might want to mention your timezone. I’d be available in ~7 hours, which is “tonight” my time, as long as the medium is text-only. Self-diagnosed Aspie, but the research says that’s about as accurate as a formal diagnosis these days :)
Well huzzah, we’re in the same time zone. Interested in grabbing me on IRC ~6 PM? If so, private message me the IRC info or what-have and I’ll be there :)