Oh, hush you. With my LessWrongian superpowers, I know what the game was meant to be about. It’s not our fault that the scriptwriters just had to be rephrased with the “sbhegu qvzrafvba” herpaderp so that lesser mortals could follow it. :)
(I’m now imagining a MethodsOfRationality!Fayt who had been expecting the plot twist based on ubj fhfcvpvbhfyl uhzna nyy bs gur “nyvra” enprf va gur tnynkl jrer...)
As it was presented in the game, I personally found that to be among the worst plot twists I had ever experienced.
Fnlvat gung gur znva punenpgref ner nyy NVf fbhaqf n ybg pbbyre guna gur zber cerpvfr eriryngvba, gung gurl’er nyy ACPf sebz na ZZBECT cynlrq ol orvatf sebz “4 qvzrafvbany fcnpr” juvpu gheaf bhg gb or culfvpnyyl nyzbfg rknpgyl yvxr gurve bja havirefr.
Oh, hush you. With my LessWrongian superpowers, I know what the game was meant to be about. It’s not our fault that the scriptwriters just had to be rephrased with the “sbhegu qvzrafvba” herpaderp so that lesser mortals could follow it. :)
(I’m now imagining a MethodsOfRationality!Fayt who had been expecting the plot twist based on ubj fhfcvpvbhfyl uhzna nyy bs gur “nyvra” enprf va gur tnynkl jrer...)