Peoples’ values vary. People who don’t value answers wouldn’t be very popular if they turned up here, but they do exist, and I don’t see much point in passing judgment on them.
Peoples’ values vary. People who don’t value answers wouldn’t be very popular if they turned up here,
Hey, but I like you! ;-)
Seriously, in my line of work, answers only take you a step or two forward. The lasting value is in the questions, which can be reused over and over again to produce change as a side effect of the answering, while the actual answers can be consciously discarded once the process of answering is complete.
Peoples’ values vary. People who don’t value answers wouldn’t be very popular if they turned up here, but they do exist, and I don’t see much point in passing judgment on them.
“It’s not that I judge them, I just, just...”
“Don’t see any reason for them to exist?”
To be fair, I expect that most of them don’t see much reason for people like us to exist, either.
A practical arrangement all round.
Hey, but I like you! ;-)
Seriously, in my line of work, answers only take you a step or two forward. The lasting value is in the questions, which can be reused over and over again to produce change as a side effect of the answering, while the actual answers can be consciously discarded once the process of answering is complete.