I first try to pick out my brain to extrapolate by giving my DNA sequence, low-res scans of my brain, lifelogging records, etc. The ‘FAI’ grows until it encounters a pebblesorter superintelligence, which simulates vast numbers of entities that meet the description I gave, but which when extrapolated desperately want pebbles to be correctly sorted. The ‘FAI’ joins in the grand quest to produce correct heaps.
“me” I first try to pick out my brain to extrapolate by giving my DNA sequence, low-res scans of my brain, lifelogging records, etc. The ‘FAI’ grows until it encounters a pebblesorter superintelligence, which simulates vast numbers of entities that meet the description I gave, but which when extrapolated desperately want pebbles to be correctly sorted. The ‘FAI’ joins in the grand quest to produce correct heaps.