The latest version of the Anti-Kibitzer Script (click “View the original post” above this comment to lean more about it)
is integrated directly within LessWrong (no more Greasemonkey)
is controlled by a section in the user Preferences called Kibitz Options
hides names and scores from sidebars, and hides your own karma score
To activate, simply navigate to Preferences and check “Enable anti-kibitzer”—this will add a button to the upper right allowing you (without refreshing the page) to temporarily display names and scores again.
When the feature is active (respectively inactive), the button says “Turn Kibitzing Off” (respectively “Turn Kibitzing On”). Shouldn’t it say turn “Turn Anti-Kibitzing Off” (resp. &c.)? Kibitz, to gossip, so removing the names is “anti-gossip,” right?
The latest version of the Anti-Kibitzer Script (click “View the original post” above this comment to lean more about it)
is integrated directly within LessWrong (no more Greasemonkey)
is controlled by a section in the user Preferences called Kibitz Options
hides names and scores from sidebars, and hides your own karma score
To activate, simply navigate to Preferences and check “Enable anti-kibitzer”—this will add a button to the upper right allowing you (without refreshing the page) to temporarily display names and scores again.
When the feature is active (respectively inactive), the button says “Turn Kibitzing Off” (respectively “Turn Kibitzing On”). Shouldn’t it say turn “Turn Anti-Kibitzing Off” (resp. &c.)? Kibitz, to gossip, so removing the names is “anti-gossip,” right?
Yep. This is among the bugs fixed in v0.5.
I don’t seem to have that preference. Is it still supposed to be there?
Not released yet, as I alluded to elsewhere. I jumped the gun in updating the above comment to describe what’s coming.
Version 0.44 is here, still packaged as a Greasemonkey script.
The link to user preferences is broken. Is there still this feature built-in? Or does the firefox thing still work?
i don’t think this is available on new lesswrong. It is available if you use See here for instructions.
Yeah, greaterwrong has that feature. If enough people want it we could also implement it here on LessWrong.
raises hand
Well, I made another UserScript for the current site: