Some colleges are more strict about letting people in than others, but particularly in city campuses, I’ve found that without prior appointment, you usually won’t be allowed access to the areas where classes take place at all.
However, once you’re allowed in for any reason, generally nobody will check whether you’re supposed to be in any specific part of campus you choose to visit.
I’m not sure I understand your question, but anyway I went to grad school in an urban area of a major city and there were no ID checks during business hours, i.e. when classes were held. There was security to keep thieves and other ne’er-do-wells out but not to keep people from auditing classes.
In theory you did need ID to get into the libraries but that could be easily circumvented—apparently if the library has government documents they cannot deny entry to the general public.
How would one go about doing that? If you tried to just walk into a small graduate level class, wouldn’t they just kick you out?
I went to college and grad school classes of all sizes and nobody ever checked my ID to make sure I had a right to be there.
Were you officially allowed on campus at all?
Some colleges are more strict about letting people in than others, but particularly in city campuses, I’ve found that without prior appointment, you usually won’t be allowed access to the areas where classes take place at all.
However, once you’re allowed in for any reason, generally nobody will check whether you’re supposed to be in any specific part of campus you choose to visit.
I’m not sure I understand your question, but anyway I went to grad school in an urban area of a major city and there were no ID checks during business hours, i.e. when classes were held. There was security to keep thieves and other ne’er-do-wells out but not to keep people from auditing classes.
In theory you did need ID to get into the libraries but that could be easily circumvented—apparently if the library has government documents they cannot deny entry to the general public.