I really appreciate the time you’ve put into writing these long responses and I’ll admit that there are some gaps in my understanding, but I don’t think you’ve understood what I was saying at all. I suspect that this is a hazard with producing informal overviews of ideas + illusion of transparency. One example, when I said equivalence classes, I really meant something like equivalence classes. Anyway, in regards to all the points you’ve raised it’d take a lot of space to respond to them all, so I think I’ll just add a link to my post when I get time to write it.
I really appreciate the time you’ve put into writing these long responses and I’ll admit that there are some gaps in my understanding, but I don’t think you’ve understood what I was saying at all. I suspect that this is a hazard with producing informal overviews of ideas + illusion of transparency. One example, when I said equivalence classes, I really meant something like equivalence classes. Anyway, in regards to all the points you’ve raised it’d take a lot of space to respond to them all, so I think I’ll just add a link to my post when I get time to write it.