Ah. So sad I am getting to read this debate so long after the fact. I can see really useful points on both sides, but thus far Robin does not seem to realize that the universe has been running a terrible genetic algorithm for millions of years in Matlab on a computer with nearly zero RAM. FOOM’d AI, even if using the same crappy genetic algorithm, would be like dropping it into a brand new 10GHZ processor with 100GB RAM and re-writing it all in optimized C++. And then if you learn from genetic algorithms how to start making legitimate optimization methods for intelligent agents, it’s a whole different ball of wax. The categorical type of advantage one can hold over peers isn’t even on the radar screen in terms of human kind’s knowledge of social science.
Ah. So sad I am getting to read this debate so long after the fact. I can see really useful points on both sides, but thus far Robin does not seem to realize that the universe has been running a terrible genetic algorithm for millions of years in Matlab on a computer with nearly zero RAM. FOOM’d AI, even if using the same crappy genetic algorithm, would be like dropping it into a brand new 10GHZ processor with 100GB RAM and re-writing it all in optimized C++. And then if you learn from genetic algorithms how to start making legitimate optimization methods for intelligent agents, it’s a whole different ball of wax. The categorical type of advantage one can hold over peers isn’t even on the radar screen in terms of human kind’s knowledge of social science.